Aakash Natarajan


Aakash Natarajan
Photo courtsey of Aakash Natarajan
Aakash Natarajan

Hello! My name is Aakash Natarajan and I am a student at the University of Manitoba going into my fourth and final year of a B.Sc.  in microbiology, honours. My research interests are in the field of antibiotic resistance, especially bacterial physiology and drug discovery. My introduction to research was last summer, when I worked in the lab of Dr. Silvia Cardona investigating the uptake of a novel antibiotic in the multidrug-resistant bacterium Burkholderia cenocepacia.

This summer, I'm very excited to be joining Dr. Justin Nodwell's lab through the Amgen Scholars Program! My project will be on a cell wall recycling pathway related to antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. In the future, I plan to attend graduate school and then hopefully pursue a career in academia.

In my free time, I like to play video games with my friends and read. My favourite genre of music is metalcore, and my go-to drink orders are coconut milk bubble tea or a french vanilla from Tim's. I look forward to trying all the restaurants that downtown Toronto has to offer!