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OSOTF/OTSS Awards Administered by RHSE
Competition Opens: March 2025
Student Deadline: Set by Graduate Unit
Graduate Unit Deadline: May 2025
Value: Varies
Level of Study: Doctoral, Master's
Required Legal Status: Domestic
Results Available: August 2025
Review the award details for additional eligibility requirements and terms and conditions.
Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) awards were established in the late 1990's during a period of fund matching from both the university and the government of Ontario. Departmental awards can be "partly OSOTF", where additional donations were made during the matching period, creating an OSOTF portion of the award to supplement the already existing, non-OSOTF fund. Ontario Trust Student Support (OTSS) awards were established in 2005 building on the OSOTF program, where the Province of Ontario matches dollar-for-dollar all cash donations to establish permanent endowed awards. Although the matching programs have ended, the University continues to offer awards each year from the income generated from these endowments to domestic students who are residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
List of Awards
Review the list of OSOTF/OTSS awards administered by RHSE.
For additional details on individual award criteria, please use Award Explorer. Deadlines for competitions are generally announced early in the spring. Contact
Additional Details
Value and Duration
Generally OSOTF, OTSS and other endowed awards administered through RHSE are for up to one year and are not renewable. However you can apply for support to subsequent competitions. The amounts available from OSOTF, OTSS and other endowed awards offered through the Temerty Faculty of Medicine are generally limited by the amount of income from endowed funds. Committees have the option to set award levels, including top-ups. The Temerty Medicine Graduate Awards Committee takes into account each department's minimum funding level and general University policy in establishing award levels.
The award holder must be a full-time student for at least 14 weeks in any term during which they hold the award. Internal awards are automatically used to pay the student's outstanding fees. Preference in funding decisions will be given to students in year 1-2 of their MSc or year 1-5 of their PhD. Students beyond these years will be considered under exceptional circumstances.
Awards are allocated on the basis of academic excellence however
Additional conditions must be met for the allocation of OSOTF and OTSS funds. These awards are restricted to individuals who meet all of the following criteria at the time of application:
- Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident of Canada or Protected Person;
- Resident of Ontario; and
- Demonstrates financial need.
The above requirements use the guidelines established by OSAP to determine Ontario residency.
Each official award record clearly states the eligibility requirements.
Top-Up Awards
Depending on the policies of the review committees, top-ups may be available for major external award holders. This decision is dependent on the funding available and the number of applicants for the competition.
How to Apply
Applications are accessible from the Division of the Vice-President and Provost.
When applying for OSOTF and OTSS awards, financial need can be demonstrated by applying for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) or by completing and attaching a Needs Assessment form, available from RHSE or your graduate unit. If you have already been assessed for the OSAP or the University of Toronto Advance Planning for Students (UTAPS), complete the indicated sections of the Needs Assessment Form. If you have not applied for OSAP, or you applied for OSAP but have not received the result of assessment, complete the entire Needs Assessment form.
Application Documents
1. Curriculum Vitae
Use the CV template provided here. Save as a PDF file and then upload (maximum of 4 pages).
2. Research Description - attached parts A and B in ONE PDF document
Part A - In easily understandable terms provide a 1 page (maximum) research description or statement of intent, including hypothesis, methods, and expected outcomes. Include your research title on top of the page. Bibliographies, endnotes and references are generally not necessary.
Part B - For each award that you are applying for, include a clear statement of how your research conforms to the conditions of the award. To review the conditions of eligibility for each award, view the list of awards above. Include the name of the award and have no more than 1 paragraph per award.
Did you know...?
Some graduate units also offer OSOTF/OTSS awards. Please consult your graduate unit for more information on deadlines, application processes and questions.