petri dish with yeast

External Awards and Honours Deadlines


The Temerty Faculty of Medicine Research Office maintains the Honours and Awards Opportunities for Faculty database, a directory of prestigious awards. Honours and awards are an important element of faculty recognition, offering national and international markers of excellence as well as career development and funding opportunities. Deadlines are projected up to two years into the future, aiding planning for opportunities that occur biennially or for which deadlines have recently passed. This online tool offers:

  • Permanent entries for over 150 major national and international honour and award opportunities, with up-to-date confirmed or projected deadlines and nomination parameters
  • Browsing and searching capabilities available to any user with a UTORid
  • Filtering by keyword, discipline, career stage, and other parameters
  • Guidelines to U of T’s internal processes for awards that require institutional nominations
  • Information about previous U of T winners, where applicable
  • Contact information for award coordinators within our academic divisions
  • Year-at-a-Glance deadlines

The Office of the Vice Dean, Research and Health Science Education provides support and oversight for major award nominations. If you plan to submit a nomination for a national or international honour or award, please contact Alternately, you can contact our editorial staff directly:

Editorial Support for Royal Society of Canada Nominations

Editorial Support for Royal Society of Canada NominationsThe Office of the Vice Dean, Research and Health Science Education (RHSE) is pleased to announce that we will be providing editorial support for the Detailed Appraisal section of Royal Society of Canada (RSC) nominations for the 2023 nomination cycle.

Notable Upcoming Award and Fellowship Opportunities for Faculty in the Natural, Applied and Medical Sciences

Review a curated list of notable awards and fellowships that may be of interest to our faculty.

Please see individual websites for details.