immune cell

Temerty Medicine Harmonized Base-Funding

Medical Science Building

Students registered in thesis-based graduate programs qualify for a stipend through the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Harmonized Base Funding Agreement*. Yearly stipend amounts are calculated based on an estimate of living expenses (living allowance) and the current year’s tuition fees.

Graduate stipends for eligible students will be partially offset by funding through the Dean's Top-Up Fund. All awards that require student applications are eligible for a top-up from their supervisor or graduate unit. Please refer to the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Harmonized Base Funding Agreement for additional details.

In the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, many graduate programs offer doctoral-stream students support at levels above the U of T base funding commitment. Graduate student base funding is derived from multiple sources. The principal source will be major external competitive studentship awards including, but not limited to, CIHR, NSERC, and independent foundations. Other sources of support will include U of T Fellowships, Departmental and Affiliated Hospital/Research Institute internal awards (i.e., OSOTF awards) and student stipends from the supervisor’s own research grant.

The student base funding agreements are administered at the department level, but follow the harmonized based funding agreement policies set by the division for participating programs. For the funding policy and payment details, students should contact their graduate unit. You can review previous year's Harmonized Base Funding Agreements.

*Students enrolled in RSI research-stream programs should refer to the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute website for funding details.

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