Immune system cells

Applied Immunology


Our Program

The MSc in Applied Immunology is a two year, research-based, non-thesis degree program housed within the Department of Immunology. Through course work and a major research project in a host laboratory, we train students to design, implement, and evaluate immunological research that measures immune responses and/or immune function. Instead of a thesis, students complete oral and written presentations throughout the program to summarize their findings and discoveries. Students can personalize their learning from a wide array of graduate courses to fulfill their electives, available within and outside of our department.

Students can also, if they choose, complete a four month internship or an international research opportunity. Students receive a guaranteed stipend (equivalent to tuition + incidental fees).


Scientist works at a lab bench.

Year One

Students complete 7.0 FCE in this program. In year-one, students complete all of the following courses:

  • IMM 1450Y (Research Project in Immunology I)
  • IMM 1550Y (Research Project in Immunology II)
  • IMM 1436H (Techniques in Immunology) AND

Students also complete two of the following electives in year-one:

  • IMM 1428H (Molecular Immunology)
  • IMM 1429H (Developmental Immunology)
  • IMM 1430H (Clinical Immunology)
  • IMM 1431H (Immunotherapy)
researcher looks through a light microscope

Year Two

In year two, students complete the following:

  • IMM 1050H (Easton Seminar Series I)
  • IMM 1075H (Special Topics in Immunology I)
  • IMM 1650Y (Research Project in Immunology III)
  • IMM 1651 (Applied Research in Immunology)
  • Electives (1.0 FCE)

Successful students typically complete the program in two years.

Alumni Profile

Christina Maria Ditlof

Christina Maria Ditlof, MSc

I was co-supervised by Dr. Thomas Eiwegger and Dr. Julia Upton at the Hospital for Sick Children. I conducted research in the field of allergy and immunology, specifically investigating a potential treatment option for children with nut allergies. Since graduating, I have transitioned from academia into industry, primarily working as a Data Manager for clinical trials.   

The Master of Science in Applied Immunology program includes theory and lab-based courses, a research component, and an internship opportunity. This allowed me to further develop scientific knowledge and enhance my technical and soft skills in both a lab and clinical research setting. I was also involved in several initiatives led by graduate students in the Department of Immunology. This helped me create a community within the department and allowed me to explore other passions in science such as science education and communication.   

I would advise prospective students to take advantage of the internship portion, as this allows students to explore various career options and experience a role that they are interested in within industry. 

Potential Career Paths

Sample Job Titles

Alumni from our program have successfully transitioned into further education such as PhD programs, medical school, and law school. Others have successfully transitioned into diverse roles such as:

  • Consultant
  • Research Associate
  • Research Technican
  • Editor
  • Clinical Research Analyst
  • Commercialization Analyst
  • Senior Associate Scientist
  • Medical Writer
scientist works at a fume hood

By the Numbers

Average class size.
Number of current students.
Number of active research faculty.

Department of Immunology

Learn more about our program in applied immunology.

*Full course equivalent. A typical 0.5 FCE is over one term (13 weeks), meeting 1-2 times per week. A typical 1.0 FCE is over two terms (26 weeks), meeting 1-2 times per week.