Alina Heck

Alina Heck
Home Institute: University of Alberta
Supervisor: Anne Wheeler
Hello everyone! I am from the coastal town of Qualicum Beach, BC, but am currently completing my Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Alberta! I am a disabled student with a vested interest in improving outcomes for patients who have suffered Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The brain and brain health are very close to my heart, and this summer I am fortunate enough to be working under Dr. Anne Wheeler in TBI research! Outside of my education, I volunteer with patients who are recovering from brain and spinal cord injuries, teach classes to elementary school children about brain injury prevention, enjoy Ballroom and Latin dance, and love a good lemon-poppyseed muffin! I am so excited for my time in Toronto as an Amgen Scholar.
I'm excited to learn about advances being made in diagnosing and treating TBI. I am also looking forward to participating in research for the first time.
As a Nursing student, it is difficult to find labs that are willing to work with you, as we do not get traditional laboratory experience in our degree. Lab time in a BScN centers around high-fidelity patient simulations and practical skills, rather than experiments. The Amgen Scholars Program has given me the opportunity I have long hoped for, to participate in research that is not only important but interesting to me!