Christian Singh

Christian Singh
Home Institute: University of Waterloo
Supervisor: Dr. Lena Serghides
Hello! My name is Christian (he/him or they/them), and I’m from Brampton, Ontario. Upon entering the program, I’ll be newly graduated from the University of Waterloo, having studied Biomedical Sciences and Psychology. My interests outside of school focus primarily on advocacy, diversity and inclusion. I desire to intertwine intersectionality with issues surrounding social structures, ranging from healthcare to education. The union of advocacy work and research is vital to promoting the conversations needed for genuine scientific advancement, which I hope to bring to the Amgen Scholars Program. I want to push the boundaries on how we, as scientists, approach biomedical research.
Project Title: HIV antiretrovirals and effects on the placenta vasculature. This project aims to explore the differences in placenta vascular patterns between placentas from women without HIV and women with HIV receiving different antiretroviral regimens. The association between fetal vascular patterns and birth outcomes will also be explored. I will be responsible for tracing fetal vasculature from the placenta images and working with the team on modelling and analyses.
I hope to establish and solidify my foundation as a scientific researcher. Most of my research experiences either focus on psychology or the social/regulatory aspects of STEM, so I am eager to contribute to projects emphasizing biomedicine and health. The program provides the opportunity for students to participate in one of many multifaceted projects. I wanted to immerse myself within the realm of clinical research while applying the concepts I’ve learned in class and my lived experiences to the project. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work under the supervision of such outstanding scientists.