PhD Candidate
Country of Origin: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Pre-Msc/PhD Education: Bachelor of Science, Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto.
Recent Research Experience:
As an undergraduate student I was interested in exposing myself to various kinds of research questions. I took advantage of summer research opportunities at two very different labs. At the Levesque lab, I worked on a project that focused on exploring a pair of toxin-antitoxin genes in a dental bacterial pathogen. In addition, during my last summer and during my undergraduate thesis I worked on characterizing a potential role for small RNA in the adaptation of a nematode worm C. briggsae to different temperatures in the lab of Dr. Claycomb
Current Research:
I'm really interested in understanding what goes on in the cell at the molecular level and am currently pursuing my PhD degree in the Department of Molecular Genetics. Following the completion of the human genome sequencing project, genomics research focus has shifted largely towards understanding the complex networks of epigenetic, transcriptional, post-transcriptional and translational regulators that interconnect to give diverse cell and tissue types. Transcriptome profiling technologies have revealed tens of thousands of non-coding (nc)RNAs that lack known functions. Moreover, among the small fraction of ncRNAs that have known functions, the full scope of their biological interactions and associated activities are not well understood. My PhD research focuses on identifying novel mechanisms of ncRNA-mediated regulation of post-transcriptional modifications through the development of a global-scale method to systematically map the RNA interactome of the cell.
Why Faculty of Medicine?
For students interested in research the Faculty of Medicine is an incredible place to do science. The breadth of the research undertaken among the various research institutions and departments fosters a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to tackling problems. In addition, the modern research facilities are well-equipped to address today’s pressing scientific questions. With research ranging from the basic sciences to labs in the Sick Kids hospital focusing on translational research, the Faculty offers a wide spectrum of areas in which students can find their passion and a supportive community to help expand their repertoire of skills.
Future Education Plans and/or Career Goals:
After completing my PhD I would like to explore other areas in RNA biology as a post-doctoral fellow and eventually run my own research lab.
Contact Ambassador Eesha Sharma