Oct 10, 2024  |  8:30am - 5:00pm

2024 Anne & Max Tanenbaum Symposium: Precision Medicine for Epilepsy and Related Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders


Join us for this year's Anne & Max Tanenbaum Symposium on October 10, 2024 at the BMO Centre, Krembil Research Tower, 60 Leonard Ave, Toronto. This year's topic is, "Precision Medicine for Epilepsy and Related Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders."

Hosted by Dr. Peter Carlen, Tanenbaum Chair in Neuroscience, the event will feature a series of talks from world-leading researchers followed by Q&A sessions. 

Registration is FREE but required by October 7, 2024. 

Register today!


October 10, 2024
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
BMO Centre, Krembil Research Tower
60 Leonard Avenue, Toronto

Access the program as a pdf.


8:30am – Registration

8:45-9:00am – Welcome
Dr. Peter Carlen
Dr. Jaideep Bains

9:00-10:30am – Genetics in Epilepsy: Optimizing Diagnoses and Treatment

Chair: Dr. Danielle Andrade

Dr. Danielle Andrade 
Genetic Epilepsies: From Neurodevelopmental to Neurodegenerative Disorders

Dr. James Eubanks
Precision Medicine: How a Patient-Specific Mouse Model Facilitated the Identification of a Prospective treatment for CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

Dr. Anne Bassett
Disease Mechanisms and Treatment in a Human Genetic Model of Schizophrenia


10:30-10:45am – Break

10:45am-12:15pm – Mitochondria: Understudied Key Factor in Diagnosing and Treating Epilepsy

Chair: Dr. Ana Andreazza

Dr. Shebani Sethi
Keynote Speaker
Metabolic Psychiatry: Ketogenic therapy in Schizophrenia and Bipolar - Results from a Pilot Clinical Trial

Dr. Ana Andreazza and Jaehyoung Choi
Brain, Mitochondria & Metabolism: Transdiagnostic Dimensions, and Using AI to Assess Mitogene Risk in Bipolar and Other Neuropsychiatric Disorders


12:15-1:45pm - Lunch Break and Posters from Labs and Interested Companies

1:45-3:15pm – New technologies for Precision Medicine in Brain Disorders

Chair: Dr. Peter Carlen

Dr. Peter Carlen
Using 2D and 3D (Organoid) Cerebral Cultures to Diagnose and Treat Developmental Epileptic Encephalopathies

Dr. Liliana Attisano
Developing Complex Human Brain Organoid Models

Dr. Amy Ramsey
AAV-Mediated Gene Therapy for GRIN Neurodevelopmental Disorder


3:15-3:30pm – Break

3:30-4:45pm – Precision Medicine and Industry

Chair: Dr. Miron Derchansky

Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky
The Use of Multi-Ingredient Supplements to Target Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Neurological Disorders

Dr. Miron Derchansky
De-Risking Clinical Trials with Precision Medicine and Digital Biomarkers

Dr. Amza Ali
Precision and Imprecision Medicine: Outreach to the Developing World


4:45-5:00pm – Closing Remarks


Ana Andreazza

2024 Tanenbaum Symposium - Now Open for Registration!

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