Jan 21, 2025  |  12:00pm - 1:00pm

TRAIL Lab Webinar Series with Dr. Narges Abdeahad

Other/Special Seminar
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Dr. Narges Abdeahad

Webinar: The Role of Race on Leisure Participation among Children and Youth with Disabilities

The low rates of leisure participation are a global concern evidenced by human rights legislations such as The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Encouraging active participation in daily life activities, including leisure, is also at the core of occupational therapy outcomes. However, little is known about the intersection of disability and race or ethnicity in leisure participation. This presentation will provide an overview of research findings about the factors that shape leisure experiences and rate of participation for racial/ethnic minoritized children and youth with disabilities.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Abdeahad is a postdoctoral fellow at TRAIL Lab (Transitions and Inclusive environments), focusing on recreation and leisure participation with a social psychological perspective. Prior to starting at BRI, her work was shaped by the ways youth cope and adapt during the transition from adolescents to adulthood and the role of leisure as a coping resource. Considering low rate of leisure participation among youth with disabilities especially racial/ethnic minorities, she is interested in identifying leisure barriers and facilitators for this population to enhance their social inclusion in Canada.

