Human Biology Program

Human Biology Program

Research Project:
HMB395Y1 Human Biology Research Project
A research project is supervised by a faculty member of the Faculty of Arts and Science or the Faculty of Medicine.
Prerequisite: 3rd year status; BCH210H1/CHM247H1, (BIO220H1+BIO230H1/BIO255H1)/(BIO240H1+BIO241H1), HMB265H1/BIO260H1, and permission of the Human Biology Program from which application forms may be obtained.
Distribution Requirement Status: Science
Breadth Requirement: None

HMB400Y1 Project in Neuroscience
Laboratory research project on a neuroscience topic is supervised by a faculty member of the Faculty of Arts and Science or the Faculty of Medicine.
Prerequisite: 4th year status, an approved 300+ series science laboratory course and permission of the Human Biology Program from which application forms may be obtained.
Distribution Requirement Status: Science
Breadth Requirement: Living Things and Their Environment (4)

HMB498Y1 Project in Global Health
A research project on issues of global health is supervised by a faculty member of the Faculty of Arts and Science or the Faculty of Medicine.
Prerequisite: 4th year status, HMB203H1/HMB303H1/HMB323H1 and permission of the Human Biology Program from which application forms may be obtained.
Distribution Requirement Status: Social Science or Science
Breadth Requirement: None

HMB499Y1 Project in Human Biology
A research project is supervised by a faculty member of the Faculty of Arts and Science or the Faculty of Medicine.
Prerequisite: 4th year status, an approved 300+ series science laboratory course and permission of the Human Biology Program from which application forms may be obtained.
Distribution Requirement Status: Science
Breadth Requirement: None

Research Excursions
HMB399Y0 Research Excursions
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting.
Details at Research Excursions
Prerequisite: 10 FCE and permission of the Human Biology Program from which application forms may be obtained.
Distribution Requirement Status: Science
Breadth Requirement: None

Summer Research Project:
HMB496Y1 Summer Research Project in Human Biology
An independent summer research project is supervised by a faculty member of the Faculty of Arts and Science or the Faculty of Medicine.
Prerequisite: 4th year status; an approved 300+ series science laboratory course and permission of the Human Biology Program from which application forms may be obtained.
Distribution Requirement Status: Science
Breadth Requirement: None

Research Abroad:
HMB394Y0 International Research Project in Human Biology
Your individual, independent research project is supervised by a faculty member in an approved partner university. This unique opportunity to conduct a lab-based research project is open to students in any Human Biology program.
Prerequisite: At least 8.5 FCEs including relevant courses in human biology.  Coordinated through the Centre for International Experience.
Distribution Requirement Status: Science
Breadth Requirement: None

HMB396Y0 International Research Project in Human Biology
Your individual, independent research project is supervised by a faculty member in an approved international partner university. This unique opportunity to conduct a lab-based research project is open to students in any Human Biology program.
Prerequisite: An approved 300-series science laboratory course and permission of the Human Biology Program from which application forms may be obtained.  Coordinated through Woodsworth College Summer Abroad Program.
Distribution Requirement Status: Science
Breadth Requirement: None

Wetmore Hall
300 Huron Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 3J6

Student Advisor and Assistant
Dana Patterson
Phone:  (416) 946-7609
Room: 105