Nicola Kish

Nicola Kish
Home Institute: Bishop's University
Supervisor: Dr. Ana Andreazza
Hello! My name is Nicola, and I will graduate from Bishop's University with a BSc in Biology- Health Sciences this spring. While at school, I have had the opportunity to take courses in music (I play the French Horn), develop my French-language abilities, and work with a student ministry on campus that supplies food to students. In my spare time, I watch glass-blowing or baking shows with my many roommates, go for lots of walks to explore the area around my school, and play piano.
Disciplines that particularly fascinate me are genetics, personalized medicine, and translational medicine. I am from rural Manitoba and I hope to attend medical school to be trained as a physician/researcher to service rural and remote communities and provide access to health care.
I have the pleasure to work with the MITO2i lab under the supervision of Dr. Ana Andreazza and Sonya Brijbassi. I will be part of building a registry of mitochondrial diseases to help future patients, researchers, and physicians. Presently, my role will be in contacting various teams of researchers and patients to gather the data and then help consolidate and format all the information to fit the registry. By building this tool, we will increase the accessibility of information concerning mitochondrial diseases, which will in turn help advance research and inform patients about their health.
I had spent a number of months looking at various internship opportunities last year. When the Amgen program was advertised at my school, I knew that I would love to participate in this program made especially for students to develop their scientific-research abilities while also being given opportunities to explore the life of a researcher! I love that professional development and social activities are incorporated into our schedules as Amgen Scholars and I believe that this approach to education will have a huge impact on my development as a professional.