St. Michael's Hospital
St. Michaels Hospital Keenan Research Summer Student Program Students must be enrolled full time in an undergraduate university program at the time of submitting their paperwork to the PI (at minimum application, CV and cover letter – you may be asked for transcriptions or references; please see the website for full details). Students must agree to participate in the program on a full-time basis; summer students work 37.5 hours per week (Monday to Friday 7.5/hrs per day). The summer student’s project must take place at St. Michael's, unless the Principal Investigator's office/lab is located off-site. Application period: January 1st, 2015 to March, 31st, 2015 – it is recommended that you apply early in the application period. Deadline for applications to principal investigators is March 31, 2015. How do I apply to the program and when can I contact PIs?
The Office of Research Administration does not assist individuals in finding a Principle Investigator to work with at St. Michael's either as a paid employee or a research volunteer. It is up to the individual to find a Principle Investigator at St. Michael's who is doing work that they are interested in and contact them directly. Many St. Michael's Principal Investigators are affiliated with the University of Toronto and you can also go through the departments at the university to get a listing of researchers. | |
St. Michaels Hospital Office of Research Administration | Hospital Switchboard: (416) 864-6060 Keenan Research Summer Student Program Office of Research Administration |