Student's Name: Stephanie Nishi
Country of Origin: Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada
Pre-MSc/PhD Education: HBSc: Double Major - Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences, Minor - Anthropology, University of Toronto;
BASc: Major - Nutrition and Food, Ryerson University;
RD/MSc: Combined Internship-Masters, St. Michael's Hospital & University of Toronto.
Recent Research Experience: Clinical Trials, Epidemiology, Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, and Adiposity
Current Research: I am a graduate student with Dr. John Sievenpiper and Dr. Richard Bazinet in the Department of Nutritional Sciences. My thesis project is aimed at investigating the hypothesized misconception regarding nut intake and adiposity by assessing bioavailability via a secondary analysis of a clinical trial and synthesizing the body of knowledge by conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The ultimate goal of my work is to help inform evidence-based guidance for public health policy and nutrition guidelines.
Why Faculty of Medicine?
The Faculty of Medicine offers a vast range of resources and opportunities, including highly-regarded faculty members, state-of-the-art facilities, and interdisciplinary collaborations with reputable scientists and clinicians affiliated with first-rate research institutions and hospitals. I joined the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto for these reasons and due to its commitment towards advancing medical research. These qualities allow for great mentorship, collaboration, and learning opportunities for students.
Future Education Plans and/or Career Goals:
My experience at the Faculty of Medicine nourishes my motivation to contribute to scientific discovery and evidence-based practice. Specifically, I hope to continue to pursue merging my interests in research, dietetics, and knowledge dissemination as a clinical research dietitian whether that be in academia, government, industry, a clinical setting, or beyond.
Contact Ambassador Stephanie Nishi