Temerty Faculty of Medicine Awards
Welcome to the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Award page.
Below is a list of all the faculty wide awards available to you as [registered] graduate students at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine. You will be able to search for awards based on (a) Citizenship, (b) Award Type, and (c) Degree.
Citizenship: Domestic, International, or Both
Award Type: Admission [awards open to newly admitted degree students entering year one of their program of study],
In-Course [awards open to current registered U of T students], or Both
Degree: Masters, Doctoral, or Both
Adel S. Sedra Distinguished Graduate Award
The Adel S. Sedra Distinguished Graduate Award is for students registered in the second or third year of a doctoral program (third or fourth year of a direct-entry doctoral) who are involved in work that reflects a concerted effort to understand and respond to the changing intellectual landscape in their field of study and have demonstrated a commitment during their doctoral program to enhancing the student experience of their peers through extracurricular leadership within the University and involvement in the life of the University. This competition opens in October. Applicants are encouraged to review all of the eligibility and application information on the Adel S. Sedra Distinguished Graduate Award web page
Al and Hannah Perly Graduate Student Scholarship
Specific Eligibility of this Award: To be awarded to graduate (MSc/PhD) students who are studying in the area of Women's Health in the Faculty of Medicine on the basis of financial need. General OSOTF Eligibility: Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. Students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents and residents of Ontario as defined in OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) guidelines.
Allen Angus Rodgers Wheelchair Athletes’ Fund Disability Bursaries
Awarded to disabled students enrolled in any year at the University of Toronto on the basis of financial need and contribution to their community through volunteer work or demonstrated leadership ability. The recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, and have maintained satisfactory academic standing
Baden Havard Endowment Fund
To be awarded to graduate students in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine conducting research related to the cause and cure of Multiple Sclerosis.
Banting and Best Diabetes Centre Novo-Nordisk Award
To be awarded to full-time graduate students in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine or the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) on the basis of financial need, whose supervisors are affiliated with the Banting and Best Diabetes Centre. The Award will recognize the academic excellence of, and provide the needed financial support for graduate students studying diabetes.
Banting and Best Diabetes Centre-University Health Network Graduate Awards
To be awarded to full-time graduate students in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine or the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) on the basis of financial need, whose supervisors are affiliated with the Banting and Best Diabetes Centre. The Award will recognize the academic excellence of, and provide the needed financial support for graduate students studying diabetes. The supervisor must hold a full-time UHN appointment as an active staff physician, or if the supervisor holds an associate staff position or staff scientist position, the supervisor’s principal laboratory or clinical research space must be physically located at the UHN.
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship
Since 2010, the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program has attracted top-tier postdoctoral talent nationally and internationally. The aim of the program is to develop leadership potential and to position postdoctoral fellows for success as research leaders and contributors to Canada’s economic, social and research-based growth.
Every year the program awards 70 new fellowships across Canada’s federal granting agencies (CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC).
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is unique in its emphasis on the synergy between the applicant’s and the University’s research goals and projects. Successful applicants’ research programs are aligned with the University’s strategic priorities.
Black Graduate Students Excellence Bursary
Created by the UTGSU in partnership with SGS to provide financial support to help improve fair and equitable access to educational opportunities for Black students commencing graduate studies at the University of Toronto. Up to 15 $2,000 need-based bursaries are awarded annually and serve to provide added financial support to help offset the costs associated with academic endeavours in the first year of study.
Canada Graduate Scholarship- Canadian Institutes of Health Research Master's Awards
The Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master's (CGS M) Program aims to help develop research skills and assist in the training of highly qualified personnel by supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies. This federal program is awarded through national competitions by three granting agencies, including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The U of T competition is announced in October. Interested applicants are encouraged to review all of the information on SGS' Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s (CGS-M) Program web page and contact their graduate unit to determine the unit's internal submission process.
Canada Graduate Scholarship-Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
The Canada Graduate Scholarships—Doctoral (CGS D) program is a federal program of scholarships awarded through national competitions by three granting agencies, including the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The program aims to promote continued excellence in Canadian research by rewarding and retaining high-calibre doctoral students at Canadian institutions. By providing support for a high-quality research training experience to awardees, the CGS D program strives to foster impacts within and beyond the research environment. The U of T competition is announced in July. Interested applicants are encouraged to review all of the information on SGS' Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGS D) Program web page and contact their graduate unit to determine the unit's internal submission deadline and process.
How do I look up departmental awards?
This page only displays faculty wide awards. For departmental specific awards please visit Award Explorer.
Are these the only awards at the University of Toronto?
No! The University of Toronto has a large number of awards available for incoming and current registered students. For an extensive list of awards, please visit Award Explorer.